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What Can Youth Do to Counter russian Propaganda in the West?

Home Forums D.R.E.A.M.LAND Forum What Can Youth Do to Counter russian Propaganda in the West?

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    • #559 Reply

      Get involved in local, national, and European political processes to advocate for transparency and democratic values;

      Provide a platform for Ukrainians to share the truth about the war and russian propaganda:

      Give Ukrainians and representatives from other affected countries the opportunity to speak about the centuries-long history of Russian occupation and influence.> Educating the public about the cultural and ecological genocide that has occurred over the past five centuries >

      Develop educational programs, seminars, and public lectures aimed at debunking myths and false narratives promoted by russian propaganda >
      implement awareness programs highlighting the dangers of disinformation and the importance of media literacy.

      Participate in online campaigns that promote critical thinking and digital responsibility.

    • #562 Reply

      In what ways can young entrepreneurs and innovators contribute to accelerating the adoption of renewable energy and sustainable technologies by 2050?

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